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Association of products designed to act in particular on adipose deposits and water retention, thanks to the synergistic action of selected medicinal plants.

WEIGHT STOP FAT BURNING: Food supplement based on plant extracts, chromium and L-carnitine, in particular:
- Sinetrol Xpur C, thanks to the presence of guarana, stimulates metabolism, promotes body weight balance and lipid metabolism;
- gymnema, promotes control of hunger sense; - bitter melon and chromium coadjuvate the normal metabolism of nutrients, especially that of carbohydrates.
Also suitable for vegans.

WEIGHT STOP: Food supplement based on plant extracts and alkaline mineral salts.
Pilosella, Orthosiphon, golden rod and lespedeza support the drainage of body fluids.
Centella and rusco favor the functionality of the microcirculation.
Birch and artichoke coadiuvano the physiological purification of the organism.
With sweeteners.
Also suitable for vegans.

STOP CELL: Food supplement based on Diosmine, SOD and plant extracts.
Ananas and centella are useful to counter cellulite extremities.
Lespedeza, pilosella, meliloto promote the drainage of body fluids.
Matè coadiuva the physiological metabolism of lipids.
The red screw, supports the normal functionality of the microcirculation.
Also suitable for vegans.

WEIGHT STOP FAT BURNING: Charging agents: cellulose, bibasic phosphate calcium; corn starch, Sinetrol Xpur C {miscela di estratti di: pomelo [Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck] frutto, Pompelmo (Citrus paradisi Macfad.) frutto, Arancio [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] frutto, guaranà (Paullinia cupana Kunt) seme} 42% in flavonoids and 3.5% in caffeine, bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) fruit e.s. 7% titrated in charantine, gymnema [Gymnema sylvestre (Retz) R.Br.] leaves e.s. titrated to 25% in gymnemic acid, L-carnitine tartrate, green coffee (Arabic Coffea L.) seeds e.s. ≥45% chlorogenic acid and ≤2.5% caffeine; anti-agglomerating agents: magnesium salts of fatty acids (vegetal), silicon dioxide; Bioperfections [pepe nero (Piper nigrum L.) frutto estratto secco 50:1], chromium picolinate.

Without gluten.
Of course without lactose.

WEIGHT STOP: Water; stabilizer: glycerol (vegetal); eulcorants: xylitol, steviol glycosides (from stevia); pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) concentrated juice fruit, magnesium citrate, potassium citrate, pilosella (Hieracium pilosella L.) aerial part e.s. titrated to 1% in total flavonoids expressed as vinexin; acidifier: citric acid; artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) leaves e.s. titrated to 2.5% in total caffeylchemical acids expressed as chlorogenic acid, ortosifon (Orthosiphon stamineus Benth.) leaves e.s. titolato allo 0.1% in sinensetina, golden rod (Solidago virgaurea L.) aerial part with flowers e.s., birch (Betula pendula Roth) leaves e.s. titrated to 2.5% in total flavonoids expressed as hyperoside, lespedeza (Lespedeza capitata Michx.) leaves e.s. titrated to .4% in total flavonoids expressed as rutin, green tea [Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze] leaves e.s. titrated to 50% in total polyphenols and to
Without gluten.
Of course without lactose.

DAY: Cell diurexin {pilosella (Hieracium pilosella L.) parte aerea e.s. titolato all’1% in flavonoidi totali espressi come vitexina, centella [Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.] foglie estratto secco titolato al 20% in derivati triterpenici; Lespedeza (Lespedeza capitata Michx.) parti aeree estratto secco, titolato al 4% in flavonoidi}, micronized diosmina, matè (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.) leaves e.s. titulate to 8% in total xanthins; charge agent: cellulose; anti-agglomerating agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids (vegetal); SOD (Superoxide dismutase) from melon (Cucumis melo L., fruit) enzymatic activity 14,000 UI/g; envelope: vegetable capsule (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose).
NEWS: Inflam-protexin {vite rossa (Vitis vinifera L.) foglie e.s. titolato al 5% in polifenoli totali, bromelina da ananas [Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.] gambo e.s. attività enzimatica 2400 GDU/g; Spirea [Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim.] sommità e.s. titolato al 10% salicilati totali espressi come salicina}; micronized diosmina, meliloto [Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam.] aerial part with flowers e.s. titrated to 20% in cumarin, hippocastane (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) semi e.s. titolato al 20% in escina, grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) seeds e.s. titrated at 95% in proanthocyanidins;anti-caking agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids (vegetable);bulking agent: cellulose;shell: vegetable capsule (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose).

Without gluten.
Of course without lactose.

Nutritional characteristics
Average contentper daily dose
(4 tablets)
Sinetrol Xpur C
title in flavonoids
title in caffeine
630 mg
26,6 mg
22 mg
Bitter melon fruit e.s.
titlato in charantina
300 mg
21 mg
Gymnema leaves e.s.
title in gymnemic acid
300 mg
75 mg
Green coffee beans e.s.
title in chlorogenic acid
title in caffeine
200 mg
90 mg
5 mg
L-carnitine250 mg
Bioperine (black fruit pepper e.s. 50:1)10 mg
Chrome100 mc
(250% VNR*)
*VNR: Reference Nutritional Values

Average contentper daily dose
(15 ml)
Pomegranate fruit concentrated juice750 mg
Pilosella aerial part e.s.
title in vitexina
250 mg
2.5 mg
Artichoke leaves e.s.
title in chlorogenic acid
200 mg
5 mg
Ortosifon leaves e.s.
title in sinensetina
200 mg
0.2 mg
Golden Verga aerial part with flowers e.s.175 mg
Birch leaves e.s.
title in hyperoside
150 mg
3,75 mg
Lespeda leaves e.s.
title in rutina
150 mg
6 mg
Green tea leaves e.s.
title in polyphenol
title in caffeine
150 mg
75 mg
Root root e.s.
title in ruscogenine
100 mg
12 mg
Centella aerial part e.s.
title in triterpenic derivatives
100 mg
20 mg
Bromelina from pineapple
enzymatic activity
100 mg
240 GDR
Magnesium56,25 mg
(15% VNR*)
*VNR: Reference Nutritional Values

Average contentper daily dose
(2 capsules DAY)
of which pilosella aerial part e.s.
- title in vitexina
of which centella leaves e.s.
- title in triterpenic derivatives
of which lespedeza aerial parts e.s.
- title in flavonoids
200 mg
2 mg
150 mg
30 mg
150 mg
6 mg
Micronized Dioxin100 mg
Sheets e.s.
title in xantine total
100 mg
8 mg
Dismutase superoxide (SOD)
enzymatic activity
32 mg
450 UI
Average contentper daily dose
(2 NOTTE capsules)
Inflam protexine
of which red vine leaves e.s.
- title in total polyphenols
of which bromelina from pineapple
- enzymatic activity
of which spirea top e.s.
- title in salicin
200 mg
10 mg
150 mg
360 GHR
75 mg
7.5 mg
Micronized Dioxin100 mg
Meliloto aerial part with flowers e.s.
title in cumarina
100 mg
20 mg
Ippocastane seeds e.s.
title in escina
50 mg
10 mg
Grapes seeds e.s.
title in proantocianidine
50 mg
47,5 mg

Mode of use
WEIGHT STOP FAT BURNING: It is recommended to take 2 tablets at each meal, preferably at breakfast and lunch, ingested with a glass of water.

WEIGHT STOP: It is recommended to shake the stick well before use. Take 1 stick of 15 ml per day, diluted in 500 ml of water.
As a result of a natural product, a fund may arise, which does not affect its quality.

STOP CELL: It is recommended to take 2 capsules DAY in the morning when awakening and 2 capsules NIGHT in the evening after dinner, with plenty of water.

WEIGHT STOP FAT BURNING: Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of reach of children under 3 years of age. Food supplements should not be understood as substitutes for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Contains caffeine (27 mg/die). We do not recommend the use of the pregnant product, during breastfeeding and in children under 12 years. Do not exceed the daily intake of 400 mg of caffeine from all sources.
The product must be used as part of an appropriate hypocaloric diet, following a healthy lifestyle with a good level of physical activity. If the diet is followed for periods greater than 3 weeks, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

WEIGHT STOP: Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of reach of children under 3 years of age. Food supplements should not be understood as substitutes for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Contains caffeine (
STOP CELL: Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of reach of children under 3 years of age. Food supplements should not be understood as substitutes for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Contains caffeine (7 mg/die). Do not exceed the daily intake of 400 mg of caffeine from all sources. We do not recommend the use of the pregnant product, during breastfeeding and in children and adolescents.
If you are taking anti-aggregating or anticoagulant medications you should feel the medical advice.

WEIGHT STOP FAT BURNING: Store in a cool and dry place, away from heat sources.
The expiry date refers to the correctly stored product in a package.
Validity of whole packaging: 36 months.

WEIGHT STOP: Store in a cool and dry place, away from heat sources.
The expiry date refers to the correctly stored product in a package.
Validity of whole packaging: 36 months.

STOP CELL: Store in a cool and dry place, away from heat sources.
The expiry date refers to the correctly stored product in a package.
Validity of whole packaging: 36 months.

The kit contains:
- I'M SORRY 60 tablets from 1 g;
- I'M SORRY 15 sticks of 15 ml;
- STOP CELL: 60 capsules 500 mg.

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