• 22%


€16.43 €21.00 -€4.57




Food supplement based on Cranberry titrated to 25%, Bromelina, vitamins and probiotic lactic ferments. It contains active ingredients traditionally used for the well-being of urinary tract.
Recent studies (1) have shown that the protoantocidines contained in Cranberry selectively inhibit the adhesions with which the bacteria responsible for urinary infections are fixed to the urothelium and destroy the biofilm with which they constitute their reproductive colonies(2). This allows both to prevent the adhesion of pathogens to the walls of the urinary tract, making their elimination easier with the urinary flow, and to hinder its reproduction and, therefore, repopulation. In addition, Cranberry carries out antibacterial activity by contributing to the metabolization of Benzoic Acid in Lyppuric Acid(2). Pharmacytics studies confirm that the total elimination of protoancianidines takes place in natural ways in 10-12 hours from administration.

 for 2 tabletsRDA
Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon, berries)
dry extract 25% proantocianidine
intake in proantocianidine
80 mg
20 mg
Vitamin C180 mg300%
Uva ursina (Arcostaphylos grapes, leaves)
dry extract 10% arbutin
100 mg/
Bromelina40 mg/
Lactobacillus acidophilus
(ATCC 4356)
Microcrystalline cellulose, colloidal silica, magnesium stearate.
*RDA: recommended daily dose.
**UFC: Colonial Training Unit.

Mode of use
In treatment of acute cystitis: 1 tablet twice a day for 15 or 30 days.
In the prophylaxis of recurrent cystitis: 1 tablet twice a day for at least three cycles a year of 15 days a month .
In the prophylaxis of catheterized patients: 1 compressed twice a day from at least three days before the introduction of the catheter and for another seven days after the extrusion of the catheter.
In the treatment and prophylaxis of high urinary tract infections: 1 tablet twice a day in combination with antibiotic therapy and for at least another month after healing.
In the treatment of uretritis, prostatitis, aspecific epididymites: 1 tablet twice a day for a month.
Posologies may be varied by the doctor depending on the case, however, do not exceed the doses of 4 tablets per day.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Supplements should not be understood as substitutes for a varied diet. Keep out of reach of children under three years. Do not take during pregnancy.

Store in a cool and dry place, protected from light.

Pack of 30 tablets 500 mg.

(1) By Martino P et al. Reduction of Escherichia coli adherence to uroepithelial bladder cells after consumption of cranberry juice: a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled cross-over trial
(2) 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), being held in Boston: New Evidence on How Cranberry Juice Fights Bacteria That Cause Urinary Tract lnfections. ScienceDaily (Aug. 25, 2010)

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