61 Items
€20.96 €24.90 -€3.94

Prostate Cernilen flogo 20cpr Omega Pharma



Association of natural active ingredients (Graminex G63, Quercetin, Bromeline, Valerian and Malva) designed to achieve effective action in cases of chronic pelvic pain associated with pathologies and/or symptoms of low urinary tract.
It is indicated for physiological control and to counter chronic painful processes related to the emptying of pelvic organs such as abacterial prostatitis and pelvic painful syndrome (vescyclic endometrius, perineal pain, interstitial cystitis) .
The Graminex G63 has anti-inflammatory and decongesting properties for the prostate and urinary tract, and is also useful in chronic pelvic pain.
Quercetin, bioflavonoid with documented anti-inflammatory activity, intervenes by inhibiting the pro-inflammatory principles of prostate inflammation and the pelvic flogistic process.
Bromeline, extracted from pineapple seed rich in proteases, has a recognized and effective anti-inflammatory action. They are also attributed to them phybrinolitic, analgesic properties and has the ability to promote smooth muscles.
The valerian has a significant anti-stress and decogenstant action that can be useful to promote relaxation and control of the anxious component, often associated with the above mentioned disorders.
The malva ensures, thanks to its specific components, an emollient, soothing, painkilling and antispasmodic action on prostate pain and pelvic smooth muscles.

Mode of use
Unless otherwise indicated, it is suggested 1 tablet per day, even close to meals, for cycles not less than 3 months.

Contains natural assets such as: Graminex G63 (Cernilton), Quercetina, bromelina, valerian, malva.
Without gluten and without lactose.

Do not exceed the recommended dose.
Keep out of reach of children under 3 years.
The product should be used in a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
For pregnant or breastfeeding women and children it is recommended to feel the medical advice.
Contraindicated for those who have hypersensitivity to one or more contained components and/or contextual therapy with anticoagulants.
Any color variation of the tablet is due to the ingredients of natural origin.

Pack of 20 tablets double layer with modified release.


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