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€22.40 €23.50 -€1.10




Medical device that, thanks to its properties, performs a defensive barrier action as a coadjuvant in the treatment of intraepiliomatous lesions due to HPV (papillomavirus), improving the healing process of injuries.
- for the control of cervical-vaginal processing areas;
- in the treatment of flogistic and distrophic affections and intraepiteliomatous microlesions (SIL): it assists the processes of reepitelization. It helps to remove the "death cells" and to maintain clean the possible micro-fertils promotes a better re-epitelization;
- for the restoration of normal physiological conditions after treatment of diathermocoagulation or couphoscopy;
- for the treatment of dryness of the vaginal mucosa and vulvare;
- for the restoration of normal physiological conditions in the post physical treatment of vulva condilomas;
- in cases of injury that cause burning and/or itching: forms a protective film that shortens pain, creating conditions for faster scarring.

Mode of use
1 vaginal application with cannula for 6 consecutive days or according to medical advice.
In the post treatment of vulva condilomas: 2 applications (without cannula) per day for 6 consecutive days or according to medical advice.
In case of intraeptheliomatous injuries (SIL) from HPV:
- the first week: 1 vaginal application (with cannula) for 6 consecutive days;
- the following weeks: 1 vaginal application (with cannula) 2 times a week for 3-6 months or according to medical advice.
In case of burning or itching: 1 vaginal application (with cannula) or vulvare (without cannula) per day or according to medical advice.
Application mode with cannula
1. Drill the tube using the closing cap drill.
2. Screw a vaginal cannula.
3. Press the tube until the total filling of the vaginal cannula.
4. Unscrew the cannula from the tube, introduce it into the vagina and press the piston until the end of its stroke.
5. Extract the cannula and the plunger, the cannules are disposable (get the cannula after use).

Curcumin, docosanol, Emblica officinalis, Aloe vera gel, polydocanol, glyceryl laurate, fatty acids C12-20(8) OE, imidazolidinil urea, sodium dehydroacetate, CM betaglucano, ETA bisodium, lactic acid, water, vaseline oil; parahydroxybenzoate of: methyl, ethyl, propile, butyl.

The applicator is disposable. Throw the cannula after the application. Women in fertile age and those wishing a pregnancy should consult their gynecologist before using the device. The natural substances that make up the device make it colored, during and after the application place particular attention so that the garments worn do not be worn. Do not use the product if allergic to any of the components. Do not use the product after the expiry date. Do not use the product if the packaging does not appear integral. In case of persistent burning or itching, consult your doctor. Don't swallow. Keep out of reach of children. Wash your hands before and after use. Do not use in case of proven hypersensitivity to one of the product components. Topical use.

Keep away from light, in a cool and dry place.
The expiry date refers to the intact and properly preserved product.

1 tube of 30 ml.
6 vaginal cannulas.

Cod. SK025100

Deductible product
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