• 30%


€8.73 €12.50 -€3.77



Hyperthermic water B.T.E.

Medical device based on hyperthermal water of the Euganean thermal basin.
According to the medical classification of Marotta and Sica the hyperthermal water of the thermal basin Euganeo is defined:
-Salse-bromo-iodic, as is evident from the name this salsobromoiodic water consists mainly of sodium chloride, iodine and bromide, the latter in the form of iodurs (I-) and bromides (Br-). There are also other interesting therapeutic substances such as calcium, magnesium, sulphates, bicarbonates and sulfides. It is rich in many other natural trace elements with biostimulating, renovating, soothing and anti-radicalic action. These molecules act as biological activators indispensable to the biochemical processes of living matter, i.e. activate chemical and metabolic reactions.
-Hyperthermal, the classification takes into account the high temperature at the well mouth where it reaches 86,5°C and the abundant fixed residue at 180°C (6 g/liter approximately). These characteristics, suffragated by university research, make it unique in the panorama of thermal waters and represent a true unique and effective biochemical system.
The actions of the various assets refer to the technical-bibliographies related to each. The richness and variety of dissolved substances makes it effective in reducing respiratory disorders. The thermal treatments dedicated to the otolaryngric district allow to counteract and physiologically reduce the occurrence of such problems.
The objectives pursued are multiple:
-stimulation of the ciliar apparatus
-fluidification of secret
-normalization of the respiratory mucus
-elimination of nasal secretions
-protection of nasal mucosa by irritating action produced by pollution
-nasal decongestion.
He has not undergone any chemical treatment.
It has no pharmacological or metabolic action and is a physiological and natural product.
It contains no preservatives.

-Antiseptic action: is due to the antiseptic and natural properties of some trace elements (ferro, iodine, copper).
-Lenitive action: general and local with stimulation of tissue regenerative and healing processes.
-Anti-edemigena and resolving action: particularly evident at the level of the mucous membranes, it is due to the osmotic power. The richness of the water generates a current of fluids from the deep layers of the mucosa to the outside able to vehicular and remove corpusculate elements (microorganisms, pollutants, etc.) and products of phagosis (catabolites and enzymes).
-Immune system stimulation: Salsobromoiodic water stimulates SRE and the production of secretory and circulating immunoglobulins. This action was also highlighted in exudatory-catarral diatheses where much of the pathogenesis seems to reside in the lack of responses of organic mechanisms. This effect is due to the properties of halogens such as chlorine, iodine and bromide to enhance even hundreds of times the action of certain lisomal lithic enzymes (vescicles that incorporate pathogenic agents that attack the cell and that, thanks to a complex mechanism, they get simpler molecules again functional).
-Action of some combined trace elements present in hyperthermal water: sodium chloride (together with bicarbonates predominating in plasma and extracellular liquids) contributes to the maintenance of osmotic pressure and acid-base balance; sodium affects muscle excitability and capillary permeability; the bromide has a depressive action on the SNC with calming effects, slightly analgesic and induces a decrease in the excitability of the motor centers of the cerebral cortex hindering the spread of the nervous stimulus; iodine carries out a typical revulsive and antiseptic action on skin and mucous membranes, stimulating the replacement (especially purinic) and intervenes favorably in chronic inflammatory states. Not less is the complex of Mg, Ca and Fe ions with eutrophic and antiedematous functions.

Hyperthermic water of the Euganean thermal basin.
Characterizing active ingredients: macroelements, microelements.

Mode of use
Nasal washing can be used with ease and safety via aerosol or manual application.

Blister with 15 vials of 5 ml.

Cod. 305

Deductible product
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