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€7.00 €16.30 -€9.30

Nose care - - generic categories Ialumar hyper adults/children




spray hypertonic solution

It combines the beneficial and fluidizing action of marine water from a natural place in Brittany to the moisturizing action of hyaluronic acid. The high salt concentration IALUMAR Hypertonic solution helps to drain excess fluid present in nasal cavities and hyaluronic acid, thanks to its ability to recall water, moisturize the mucosa, favoring the healing of any microlesions and attenuating the dry effects of the nasal mucosa determined by the hypertonity of the saline solution.
Decongestant and fluidizing for adults and children. It has a draining effect (osmotic) that facilitates the elimination of excess nasal secretions. It gives ready relief to dry nasal mucosa, thanks to the humidifying action of hyaluronic acid. It is particularly indicated in the acute phases of cooling diseases, allergic rhinitis or sinusitis and rhinosinusitis.
In the metal bottle, the solution remains isolated and not in contact with the propellant medium because it is contained in a bag of non-toxic material. The propellant medium is air and is put under pressure throughout the space surrounding the bag inside the metal bottle.
The product is supplied by a valve placed above the bag.
Thanks to this system:
- Air is used as a propellant gas, so the product does not damage the ozone layer.
- The product does not contain preservatives, so the possibility of allergic reactions is reduced.
- The bottle can be used in any way, so the product is practical and easy to use.

Mode of use
Use several times a day, as needed.
1. Remove the cap from the bottle.
2. Press the applicator to spray the product in the nostril.
3. After use, clean with warm water and dry the applicator, then close well with the cap.
The product can be used in any location. However, it is recommended to tilt the head on one side and spray the product for 2 seconds in the nostril of the opposite side (e.g. tilted head on the right and sprayed product on the left nostril). Repeat the operation in both nostrils.

Sea water, hyaluronic acid salt sodium.

Warning: pressurized container. It can explode if heated. Don't smoke. Do not pierce or burn, even after use. Protect from sunlight. Do not use IALUMAR Hypertonic solution after the expiry date indicated on the label. Do not use IALUMAR Hypertonic solution if the tank is damaged. Once used, remove the tank following the normal rules of municipal waste disposal.
Keep out of reach of children.

Do not expose at temperatures above 25°C. Keep away from heat sources, hot surfaces, sparks, free flames and other sources of ignition.

100 ml bottle.

Cod. FIM15P

Deductible product
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