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Nose care - generic categories Viscoflu nasal spray 30ml Pharma Line


nasal spray

Medical device based on hypertonic salt at 3%, at controlled pH, and N-acetylcysteine at 6%. Indicated to facilitate the fluidification and mechanical removal of mucous membrane and/or mucopurulent secretions stagnant in nasal cavities (acute, subacute and slow resolution, chronic and muco-chrostous rhinitis, vasomotory rhinitis) and in paranasal breasts (acute and chronic sinus) improving symptoms and path of acute and chronic inflammations.
Viscoflu nasal spray smoothes the dense and viscous mucus through the physical/mechanical action of its components:
-Sodium chloride hypertonic solution (tamponata): hypertonic saline solutions applied directly on respiratory mucosa recall for osmosis water from intracellular to extracellular compartment. In this way they increase the water percentage of the mucus that covers the epithelium by fluidifying it and facilitating its removal.
N-acetylcysteine: acetylated variant of cysteine amino acid, it has mucolitic activity that explanatory by direct contact with the mucus. This activity depends on the presence in the molecule of sulphide radicals capable of breaking the dissolved bridges of the mucoproteins that give viscosity to the mucus depolimerizzandole.

N-acetylcysteine, chloride sodium; excipients: sodium hydroxide, sodium edetate, purified water.

A 30 ml bottle contains:
N-acetylcysteine1.8 g
Sodium chloride0,9 g

Mode of use
For the correct use, remove the protective cap, tilt the head slightly backward, gently position the sprayer at the mouth of the nostril, press with two fingers on the base of the dispenser and spray 2-3 times consecutively.
Clean the dispenser and put the dispenser protection cap back. Shake well before use.
The recommended dose is 2-3 delivery per nostril twice or three times a day, for no more than 10 consecutive days, depending on the clinical picture to be treated. The treatment may be repeated several times during the year, however interrupting the use of the product for at least one week between one cycle and the other. Use the product within 2 months of the first opening.

Viscoflu nasal spray has, after dispensing, a sulphurous smell that does not disturb however in any way the administration of the preparation. Wash the applicator after each application. It is recommended to close the hood carefully after use. Do not use in case of hypersensitivity or individual allergy to one or more components of the product. Prolonged use of topical products can give rise to awareness phenomena; in case such phenomena occur it is indicated to suspend treatment and consult the doctor. Keep the product away from the reach and view of children. Do not use the device over the expiry date. Don't swallow. Avoid spraying in the eyes. The use of the same bottle by multiple subjects can facilitate the transmission of infections.
The expired or otherwise eliminated device must be managed as a waste management regulation of the Local Manager Body. Do not disperse in any case the product or its packaging in the environment.

Store at room temperature (not more than 25°C), sheltered from light and heat sources. The expiry date refers to the intact and properly preserved product.
Validity of whole packaging24 months.

30 ml bottle with dispenser and protective cap.

Deductible product
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