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€11.85 €17.00 -€5.15

For skin Pomegranate drink 500ml Farmaderbe


Melograno Drink

The fruit of pomegranate is rich in tannins, phenolic derivatives (chlorogenic acid, ellagic acid), potassium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B, niacin, tannins, anthocyanins, rutin, amino acids. It is traditionally used in cases of premature aging, hyperchoesterolemia, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disorders, diarrhea.
· Free Radicals: high concentration in antioxidants make Melograno extracts suitable for high antioxidant formulations and a valid help to counter the oxidative stress of the body and prevent atherosclerosis. It has also been highlighted, a marked reductive activity of oxidative stress, aggregation and retention of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and an increase in activity of sierica paraoxanasis, enzyme that hydrolyses lipid peroxides present in human atherosclerotic lesions. A recent study suggests that pomegranate juice fights hardening of arteries and related diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes. It reduces the level of LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases that of HDL (good cholesterol). They act as antioxidants especially phenolic compounds: they inhibit the activity of cycloxygenase, resulting in a decrease in platelet aggregation and reduced tendency to the development of thrombs. Contrast skin aging and photo-aging.
· Diabetes: reduces the absorption of sugar in the intestine and could therefore be useful for the prevention of diabetes mellitus. In case of diabetes, it performs an antioxidant action that contrasts the secondary effects of diabetes.
· Hypertension: a study has shown that drinking 50 ml of pomegranate juice per day is possible to lower by 5% systolic arterial pressure. The consumption of pomegranate juice for a whole year, reduced by 21% the pressure of people taken to sample. The hardening of the arteries was reduced by 30%. Improved blood circulation of the heart muscle and a 50% reduction of angina pectoris attacks.
· Infections: antibacterial activity has been demonstrated towards Escherichia coli, Aspergillus niger, Salmonella tiphy, Psaeudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus areus. It also inhibits the growth of certain pathogenic bacterial strains (Anaerobic negative Grams) that affect oral and periodontal cavity.
· Inflammation: a study in vivo showed that pomegranate possesses anti-inflammatory action by inhibiting the production of PGE2 induced by cytokines and NO.
· Alzheimer's: reduces the accumulation of the beta-myloid substance in the hippocampus with a neuroprotective action.
· Male infertility: According to a pilot study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research, pomegranate juice has beneficial effects on erectile dysfunction. It also improves sperm concentration and sperm mobility.

Pomrich: is a concentrated extract of pomegranate juice titrated in ellagic acid containing more antioxidants than juice, boasting an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) of 58,000/100 g.
Coenzyme Q10: It is part of the ubiquinone class, liposoluble benzoquinones and components necessary for the production of energy (ATP) and for the cellular breathing, involved in oxidative phosphorylation and the transport of electrons in the mitochondria towards the oxidase cytochrome, the main respiratory enzyme. It is an important antioxidant: it prevents the formation of lipoperoxides; protects membrane proteins and DNA from oxidative processes; is able to regenerate alpha-tocopherol. It prevents and slows down the aging process. It protects and strengthens the cardiovascular system and the heart muscle, prevents cardiac arrhythmia, reduces the risk of ischemic heart disease and seems to be a promising treatment for angina pectoris. Increases overall energy levels. It stimulates the immune system: it determines the increase of phagocytes and antibody levels. It reduces gum disease.

Natural pomegranate juice (Punica granatum L.), Pomrich pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) fruit e.s. 40% in hellagic acid, coenzyme Q10; preservative: sorbate potassium; acidifier: citric acid.

Nutritional characteristics
Ingredients for 30 ml
Natural pomegranate juice30.6 g
Pomrich pomegranate (40% in hellagic acid)75 mg
Coenzyme Q1010 mg

Mode of use
Take 30 ml per day to be taken pure or diluted in water or other liquid.

Pomegranate juice can interfere with metabolized drugs from the cytochrome CYP2C9 which metabolizes antidiabetic, antidepressant and anti-inflammatory drugs.

500 ml bottle.

Cod. 180066

Basu A. et al. “Pomegranate juice: a heart-healthy fruit juice”. Nutr. Rev. 67(1):49-56. 2009. - Guo C. et al. “Pomegranate juice is potentially better than apple juice in improving antioxidant function in older subjects”. Res. 28(2): 72-77: 2008 R.E. et al. “Pomegranate juice decreases amyloid load and improves behaviour in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease”. Neurobiol. Dis. 24: 506-515. 2006. - Littarru G.P. “Bioenergetic and antioxidant properties of coenzyme Q10: recent developments”. Mol. Biotechnol. 37:31-7.2007.

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