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€18.56 €28.00 -€9.44

For the memory Papaia orosorubile 30bust Farmaderbe


Papal orosoluble

Quick absorption formula, in the practical monodose sachets makes the body more stress-resistant and fatigue-resistant. Boosts natural organic defenses, gives energy and improves mood tone. It is suitable for all those who want to increase the protection of antioxidants to defend themselves from the excess of free radicals and is a valid ally in case of unbalanced and poor supply of raw fruits and vegetables, life in highly polluted environments, stress, alcohol, active or passive smoke, sun exposures or magnetic fields, intense sports activity, intense mental activity, inflammations.

Papacy: concentrate of precious substances: vitamins A, B, C, carotenes, lycopene, minerals (especially potassium) and valuable protein enzymes, including papain, which promote the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The papaya is also used for dyspeptic disorders such as flatulence, intestinal swelling, post-prandial heaviness and constipation. Protein enzymes are transported in all body districts and are useful in case of inflammation, trauma, hypoxia; they act on damaged tissues restoring circulation, improving gaseous exchanges and energy supply. At the level of the immune system, papaya activates macrophages, cells "Natural Killer" and lymphocytes T and B; it increases the production of gamma interferon and improves the synthesis of nitric oxide, an important free radical for the destruction of pathogenic bacteria and cancer cells.
Melograno: concentrate of minerals, vitamins (especially A and B), organic acids and phenolic substances including ellagic acid which ensures a significant antioxidant power to fruit extracts. Its mix of functional is active against different types of free radicals and effectively slows aging of mind and body. In an interesting study it has been examined how the consumption of pomegranate juice can reduce oxidative stress and aterogeneic modifications to the low density lipoproteins (LDL) and piastrinic aggregation. It supports natural organic defenses from external agents, promotes the physiological digestive process and microcirculation activity and restores the right levels of energy by enhancing vitality. It contrasts the formation of skin spots that form with age and keeps the skin fresh, bright and young.
Rhodiola rosea: it is a suitable plant because it has anti-stress, anti-fatigue properties and because it favors the natural organic defenses. It is also important for its mood modulator and memory characteristics, because it increases the transport of tryptophan and 5-hydroxytriptophan to the brain and exercises an inhibitory effect on the monoamino-oxidase system, with an increase of 30% serotonin. It has been shown that it increases the muscle levels of ATP and creatine phosphate, important for maintaining sports performance. The most important active ingredient is rosavin, connected to the activation of lipase, which also makes this plant an excellent adjuvant in body weight control.
Vitamin C: stimulates natural organic defenses and has antioxidant activity, protecting vitamin A, vitamin E and many vitamins of group B from oxidation. It contributes to the elimination of certain chemicals and some heavy metals including lead. It stimulates collagen synthesis and possesses photoprotection properties, absorbing both UVA and UVB rays. At the immune level stimulates the production of antibodies, the phagocytic activity of leukocytes, increases the levels of interferon and inactive directly some toxins. Contrasts bacterial infections and reduces the effects of certain substances that cause allergies. Activated by copper ions, it neutralizes viruses and bacteria by inactivating the nucleic acids of microbial agents.
Vitamin E: includes eight compounds present in nature: four tocopherols and four tocotrienoli, produced only by plants. It is the main liposoluble antioxidant agent present in cell membranes and cells protects lipids from peroxidation. It also protects vitamin A from decomposition, vitamin C and B vitamins from oxidation and improves oxygen transportability by red blood cells. It is also involved in energy processes, increasing the resistance of the subject. It is a light vasodilator, strengthens the walls of the capillaries and carries out antithrombotic activities. It also stimulates the immune system by improving the bacterial activity of white blood cells and phagocytosis; it also intensifies the activity of T-helper lymphocytes and reduces corticosteroid immunodepression. Finally, it improves the focus of sight in middle-aged people and is active in preventing ageing. It is an excellent supplement also in case of diabetes to counter oxidation.

Papaia (Carica papaya L.) fermented fruit powder, fructose; anti-agglomerating agent: silicon dioxide; acid L-ascorbico (vitamin C), pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) fruit e.s. tit. 20% ellagic acid, rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea L.) root e.s. tit. 5% rosavin, DL-alpha-tocoferile acetate (vitamin E), aroma, bitter juice dry.

Nutritional characteristics
Ingredients for 1 bag
Load papaya L.1,000 mg
Vitamin C60 mg
Punica granatum L.50 mg
Rhodiola rosea L.30 mg
Vitamin E10 mg

Mode of use
1 sachet per day to be taken such as or to dissolve in a glass of water.

Pack of 30 bags.

Cod. 180207

Braakhuis AJ. “Effect of vitamin C supplements on physical performance”. Sports Med. Rep. 11(4):180-4. 2012.
Danese C. “Plasma glucose level decreases as collateral effect of fermented papaya preparation use”. Clin. Ter. 157:195. 2006.
Hemilä H. “The effect of vitamin C on the common cold”. J. Pharm. Pract. 24(2):241-2. 2011.
Ricci D. et al. “Antioxidant activity of Punica granatum fruits”. Phytotherapy. 77(4): 310-2. 2006.

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