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Foods Enterosgel oral suspension



Medical device.
Enterosgel is an inert hydrogel of silicon, porous globular structure (similar to a sponge) which selectively absorbs and eliminates only toxic molecules (both hexogeneous), of medium size and pathogenic microorganisms.
Indicated for symptomatic treatment of acute diarrhea and chronic diarrhea, associated with Irritable Intestine Syndrome (IBS).
Enterosgel is not absorbed and does not absorb essential nutrients such as amino acids, vitamins, mineral salts and protein molecules, including immunoglobulins. Oral intestinal adsorbent (enterosorbent) composed of an organic mineral able to absorb in the intestine some toxic and harmful substances (e.g. endotoxins and enterotoxins), which binds physically on its surface, reducing the frequency of intestinal movements and the duration of diarrhea. Enterosgel is expelled from the body with feces and thus removes toxins and adsorbed harmful substances, which can have a beneficial effect in the treatment of acute and chronic diarrhea states from IBS.
It does not contain preservatives, dyes, gluten, fats, sugars, lactose, aromas, ingredients of vegetable or animal origin.

Mode of use
- Adults and children over 15 years: 15-22.5 g 3 times a day (15 g = 1 spoon) diluted in 200 ml of water 3 times a day.
- Children aged 7 to 14 years: 10 g 3 times a day (10 g = 2 teaspoons) diluted in 50-100 ml of water.
- Children between 1 and 6 years old: 5 g 3 times a day (5 g = 1 teaspoon) diluted in 50-100 ml of water (1-3 years: it is recommended to consult your doctor before using Enterosgel).
A sufficient supply of liquids is in any case necessary as part of the treatment to diarrhea.
Take Enterosgel 2 hours before or after meals or before or after the use of oral medicines.
Enterosgel is administered for 3-5 days in case of acute diarrhea and up to 21 days in case of chronic diarrhea. Before administration dilute the dose in water at room temperature. It is recommended to take sufficient amounts of liquids during treatment. At the beginning of the treatment of acute diarrhea (day 1) you can double the first dose and then continue with a single dose after each evacuation, from 3 to 6 times a day. On the first day a maximum of 8 doses.
During the treatment of chronic diarrhea, the dosage can be adjusted in order to adapt it to the consistency of the feces and to the frequency of the evacuations. It is possible to take up to double the dose 3 times a day if the feces are liquid or to reduce to a dose 1 time a day if the feces are normal. You can take up to 6 doses per day.
Interrupt treatment in the absence of evacuation for 1-2 days, increase water intake and continue treatment after evacuation.

Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate (PMSPI) 70%, purified water 30%.

Without gluten.
Without lactose.

Enterosgel, if administered in association with medicinal products, must be taken at least 2 hours before or at least 2 hours after taking the medicinal product(s) orally.
Within 12 hours Enterosgel, which does not enter the metabolic cycle, is completely eliminated with feces along with adsorbed substances.
Possible side effects: nausea and constipation.
Enterosgel can be used during pregnancy and nursing. In case of malaise during pregnancy or breastfeeding it is recommended to consult your doctor. There is no clinical data for the use of Enterosgel in the first trimester of pregnancy. You should consult your doctor before taking the product.
Contraindicated in the case of: intestinal atonia, intestinal occlusion, intolerance to the product ascertained on the basis of previous use, oral intake of modified release medicines (controlled).
It is recommended to take Enterosgel by mouth between one meal and the other.
In case of prolonged diarrhea, before using Enterosgel it is necessary to consult the doctor in order to establish the diagnosis.
In children the treatment of diarrhea should be completed with the prompt administration of sufficient liquids in order to prevent dehydration.
Adults are treated with enough liquids to ensure proper rehydration.
If symptoms of diarrhea persist for more than 2 days, you should consult your doctor.
In the presence of fever, blood in the feces, diarrhea and vomiting, symptoms of dehydration, six or more evacuations in the last 24 hours, or strong and persistent abdominal pain, consult your doctor immediately, especially if it is children.
Do not use if the packaging is damaged.
Do not exceed the recommended dose.
Do not exceed the recommended treatment period and do not take along with food to avoid interactions with vitamins or nutrients.
Consult your doctor if you are taking other intestinal absorbents, for example preparations containing activated carbon, clay or kaolin.
Enterosgel is not indicated in the case of acute chemical intoxication or poisoning by drugs or overdosage of drugs.
Shake the tube thoroughly before opening and use.
The expiration date shown on the package refers to the intact product, properly preserved.
Do not use after the deadline indicated on the package.
Keep out of reach of children.
Close the cap after use to avoid drying.

Store at temperature not less than 4 °C. Do not freeze, do not expose to excessive heat or direct sunlight.
Validity of whole packaging: 36 months.
Post-opening validation: 1 month.

225 g pipe

Deductible product
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