35 Items
€18.11 €19.80 -€1.69




Ophthalmic solution without preservatives, sterile, protective, lubricant based on ERISnp, a particular high concentration formulation of polyphenols derived from perilla extract and liposomes, in combination with hyaluronic acid, which determines a moisturizing effect.
It provides immediate and prolonged relief.
The formula protects eye tissues, assisting physiological antioxidant mechanisms (polyphenols), restoring both the aqueous component (hyaluronic acid) and the lipid component (liposomes) of the lacrimal film to manage dry eye symptomatology.
For contact lens wearers: the instillation of Eviva Drops, before wearing contact lenses, facilitates the application because it improves the usability; moreover the instillation after the application makes it more comfortable to use, contrasting the sensation of dryness and possible eye complications.
Eviva Drops consists of a slightly hypo-osmolar solution, slightly viscose, sterile, physiological pH, free of preservatives and is also indicated for frequent and prolonged use.

Mode of use
Instill 1 or 2 drops in each eye 3-4 times a day or according to doctor's suggestion

ERISnp (high concentration polyphenols >2,5% from Perilla frutescens extract 0.15% and liposomes), sodium hyaluronate 0.25%, sodium chloride, sodium phosphate bibasic anidro, sodium hydrogen phosphate monohydrate, purified water q.b. 100.
Without preservatives.

- The product is only for external ophthalmic use.
- Once opened, the container must be closed with the appropriate cap but the solution contained must be used within 3 months from the opening of the bottle.
- Before instillation check that there is no residue on the dispenser hole, if present clean with wet cloth and drop a drop before use.
- Do not use the product if the packaging is damaged or if the bottle is not perfectly intact.
- Do not tamper or damage for any reason the dropper and the delivery hole otherwise the sterility of the product could be compromised.
- Keep away from the children's reach.
- Before opening the bottle for the administration of the drops it is indicated to carefully cleanse the hands.
- During instillation do not touch the eye, nor other surfaces, with the end of the bottle delivery.
- Do not use the product in case of known incompatibility towards even one component of the formulation. If necessary, make sure that the eye drops are compatible with the contact lenses used.
- In case of ailments during use suspend treatment and consult a doctor.
- Any administration of ophthalmic drugs should be carried out at least 15 minutes away from the instillation of eye drops in particular if they are products containing benzalconio chloride, or other salts of quaternary ammonium, to avoid the precipitation of hyaluronic acid.
- The administration of drugs for ophthalmic use simultaneously with eye drops should be carried out under control of the doctor who can assess the possible interactions.
- Do not use the product after the expiry date indicated on the package.
- Do not disperse the container in the environment after use.

Store in a cool and dry place away from heat sources and direct exposure to sunlight, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.
Integro packaging validation: 24 months.
Post-opening validation: three months.

Net weight: 10 ml.

Deductible product
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