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€18.89 €24.00 -€5.11

Digestion Cardepat ecosol drops 50ml



Food supplement that acts favorably on the physiological function performed by the liver.
       Cardo (Silybum marianum)
Silimarin, the active ingredient of Cardo, is endowed with certain counteracting action the hepatolesive effects of various hepatotoxic agents. Silimarin can act on lysosomal and mitochondrial lesions from ethanol. The sylimarin then acts as a "phragm protector". In the phytotherapeutic treatment of hepatitis it can be considered a particularly valid agent that in addition to ensuring a sweet choleresis and a stimulation of the body's defenses, promotes the regeneration of the liver cell. In viral hepatitis it is believed that sylimarin act by limiting the attack of the viral agent through the protection of hepatocytic membranes. For the characteristics of bitter-tonic-choleretic it is recommended to use it in the forms of gastric atonia.
       Artichoke (Cynara scolymus)
Artichoke acts on lipid metabolism by decreasing the production of cholesterol and endogenous triglycerides and increasing excretion or redistribution in natural deposits. Thanks to hepatoprotective activity, a decrease in azotemia occurs through the stimulation of the hepatic transformation of nitrogen molecules imperfectly processed by the insufficient liver.
       Tarassaco (Taraxacum workshop)
Stimulating action of liver functions. It acts through the increase of the contraction of the gallbladder (lagoga action) and the increase of biliary secretion ( choleeretic action); all properties justify its use as a purification plant and drainage of the emuntori organs.
       Crisantemo A. (Chrysanthellum americanum)
The American chrysanthemum improves the activity of liver digestive enzymes, thus promoting the elimination of cholesterol and triglycerides and inhibiting liver production.
       Crespino (Berberis vulgaris)
The bark of the plant, containing berberin, is used as bitter and stimulating stomachic of liver function.
       Boldo (Peumus boldus)
Boldina exercises an elective action on biliary secretion and, in particular, on the fluidification of bile as it would be able to modify its chemical characteristics, decreasing its density, viscosity and increasing its aqueous content.
       Combreto (Combretum micranthum)
It promotes the production of bile by the liver and food digestion.
       Menta (Mentha piperita)
Its mercury effect, entirely voted to facilitate all the exchanges affecting the respiratory system extends to the digestive one where you can appreciate the quality of containing flatulence, swelling and irregularities.
       Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Physically it is useful to contain nerve somatizations: esophagitis, gastritis, duodenitis, liver and biliary pains, colitis.
       Gold-Vital and Iron-Vital
Vitale force uses in its compounds specific mixtures obtained from a spagyric-alchemic processing, of plants characterized by an energy macrocosmic marking, containing naturally traces of colloidal trace elements, such as to amplify the effect of the product on the specific organ or system concerned. These naturally obtained food additives act as a support for the conveyance of the biochemical principles of the extract and information reserved to operators in the fields of guaranteeing the energy stability of the spagyric product.

 per daily dose
Marian Card (Silybum marianum) seeds0.08 g
Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) leaves0.08 g
Tarassaco (Taraxacum medicinal) root0.06 g
Rabarbarbaro (Rheum workshop) rizoma0.06 g
American Chrysanthellum (Chrysanthellum americanum) Flowers0.04 g
Boldo (Peumus boldus) leaves0.04 g
Combreto (Combretum micranthum) leaves0.04 g
Mint (Mentha Piperita) Essential Oil2 μl
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) essential oil2 μl
Garofano* (Eugenia caryophyllata) fruit12 μg
Echinacea* (Echinacea angustifolia) root12 μg
Ginseng (Panax ginseng) root12 μg
Uncaria* (Uncaria tomentosa) root12 μg
Orange* (Citrus sinensis) essential oil12 μg
Cumino* (Cuminum cyminum) essential oil12 μg
Crespino** (Berberis vulgaris) bark12 μg
Orthic** (Dioic urtica) leaves12 μg
Other ingredients: water; alcohol; honey.
* Consisting of the mixture obtained from Gold-Vitale spagyric preparation.
** Composers of the mixture obtained from Iron-Vitale spagyric preparation.

Mode of use
Adults: 25 drops 3 times a day in little water, before meals.
Until 12 years: 10 drops 3 times a day in little water or juice, before meals.
Recommended dosage for Norwegian subjects.

For pregnant or breastfeeding women and children, it is recommended to feel the medical advice.

50 ml bottle

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-European Scientific Commission on Phytotherapy., Monographs on the medicinal use of plant drugs 1997.
-Rossi M., Tinture Madri in Phytotherapy, Studio Edizioni, Milan, 1992.
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-Palamidessi T., The course of the atri and diseases in man, Edizioni Arkeios, Rome 1990.
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-Campanini E., Medical receptionist of phytorerapia, New Techniques, Milan 2000

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