Information to protect privacy

Your personal data is precious, we take care of it very carefully.

Declaration of Authorization for the processing of personal data

identification, sensitive and judicial

former D.Lgs. no. 196/2003 and EU Regulation 2016/679

The User, hereinafter also referred to as the "Data Subject" in the meaning set out in the letter "i" of the art. 4 Legislative Decree n. 196/03, i.e. of, "natural person, legal person, body or association to which the personal data refer",

Given that

The User/Interested Party is the person who accesses the website (hereinafter also referred to as just the WEBSITE for the sake of brevity) by registering their Personal Data for the use of the functions permitted by the website, of legal age and in possession of the ability to understand and want;

Pursuant to article 23 ("Consent") of the D.Lgs. no. 196/03 the processing of personal data by private individuals is permitted only with the express consent of the interested party freely provided and with specific reference to an identified treatment, as well as documented in writing and preceded by the information pursuant to art. 13 D.Lgs. no. 196/03; likewise for the application of EU Regulation 2016/679 "Consent" means any manifestation of free, specific, informed and unequivocal will of the interested party with which he expresses his assent, by means of unequivocal declaration or positive action, that the personal data that concern him are being processed; always in accordance with art. 23 ("Consent") of the D.Lgs. no. 196/03 if the processing concerns also, or only, data c.d. "sensitive" consent must be expressed in writing except in the cases referred to in art. 26 paragraph 4 letter "c" the content of which he declares to know and the text of which he acknowledges to be that reported in note 1 at the bottom of this authorisation;

For the application of EU Regulation 2016/679 the term "Interested" is to refer to any identified or identifiable natural person, considering as identifiable the natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, with particular reference to an identifier such as the name, the identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more characteristic elements of your physical, physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural or social identity;

For the application of EU Regulation 2016/679, "Personal Data" is understood as information, of any type, concerning the Data Subject, "Genetic Data" means data relating to the hereditary or acquired genetic characteristics of a natural person who provide unambiguous information on the physiology or health of the person and which result from the examination of a biological sample, "Biometric Data" means personal data obtained from a specific technical treatment relating to the physical, physiological or behavioral characteristics of a natural person who enable or confirm unique identification, such as facial image or fingerprint data, and “Health Related Data” means personal data relating to the physical or mental health of an individual, including the provision of health care services, that reveal information about your health.

For the application of EU Regulation 2016/679 "Treatment" means any operation or set of operations, also performed with the aid of automated processes, applied to personal data, including the collection, registration, organization, the structuring, conservation, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, diffusion or any other form of making available, comparison or interconnection, limitation, cancellation or destruction; "Cross-border Processing" means the processing of personal data that takes place within establishments (understood as the place of management choice of the Data Controller and place of effective execution of the main processing activities by the Data Processor) in addition of an EU member state or in establishments located in a single member state but which may substantially affect Data Subjects from several member states;

For the application of EU Regulation 2016/679 "Profiling" means any form of automated processing of personal data consisting in the use of such personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyze or predict aspects concerning the professional performance, economic situation, personal preferences, health, interests, reliability, behaviour, location or movements of the interested party;

For the application of EU Regulation 2016/679 "Pseudonymisation" means the processing of personal data in such a way that they can no longer be attributed to a specific data subject without the use of additional information, provided that such additional information are kept separately and subject to technical and organizational measures intended to ensure that such personal data are not attributed to an identified or identifiable natural person;

For the application of EU Regulation 2016/679 "Data Controller" means the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, individually or together with others, determines the purposes and means of data processing personal data, "Data Processor" means the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body that processes data on behalf of the Data Controller, "Recipient" means the natural or legal person, the public authority, the service or another body that receives communications of personal data, whether or not it concerns third parties, "Third parties" means a subject other than the interested party, the Data Controller, the Data Processor, the persons authorized for processing by the Data Controller or by the Manager and by the Recipient;

For the application of EU Regulation 2016/679 "Supervisory Authority" means any authority responsible for verifying the correct application of EU Regulation 2016/679 in the Italian Republic, in particular it means the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data with headquarters in Rome, Piazza di Monte Citorio n. 121 – pec:;

For the purposes of this information, “Transaction” means the sale or, in any case, the marketing of products according to the laws in force in the Italian Republic.

In accordance with the normative provisions referred to in Article 13 (“Information”) of Legislative Decree no. 196/03, whose content declares to know and whose integral text recognizes to be the one referred to in footnote 2 of this authorisation, and pursuant to article 7 (“Conditions for Consent”) and article 12 of EU Regulation 2016/679, declares to have been informed prior to:

The identification details of the Data Controller are:

Mariarosaria Albricci - email:

The Data Processor is contactable at the following email address: email

Any modification of the name of the Data Processor will also be communicated at the same time to renew this consent, by means of modification contemplated by the name of the Data Processor.

Personal Data is processed in a lawful, correct, transparent manner and for the purposes connected to the exercise of the functions permitted by the WEBSITE.

SITO WEB collects, records, organizes, stores, processes, modifications, selects, extracts, comparisons, uses, interconnects, communicates, deletes and blocks the personal data subject to processing for the pursuit of the purposes of WEBSITE, for the performance of the online services offered by WEBSITE and for the administrative, management, organisational, tax and accounting activities of SITO WEB.

Personal Data will be collected for commercial purposes in accordance with the purpose for which the User/Data Subject registered on the WEBSITE and, in any case, for purposes connected and/or instrumental to the management activities of the WEBSITE.

WEBSITE also collects and processes data for its own commercial purposes and those of third parties, including by way of example the profiling of Users, the analysis of purchasing preferences, the comparison of prices and offers, the comparison of products, marketing and promotion activities commercial, as well as for the need to customize the WEBSITE offer to the tastes and needs of the User/Data Subject.

In any case, WEBSITE reserves the right to collect and process data for different and/or conflicting purposes with the interests of the User/Data Subject for their own legitimate interests and the fulfillment of the legal obligations of the Data Controller or the Manager of the Treatment.

The Personal Data processed will be exclusively limited and pertinent to the exercise of the WEBSITE functions to which the User/Interested party has registered.

WEBSITE does not knowingly process data of minors and if it becomes aware of the innocent processing of data of minors, it will immediately cancel them.

The Personal Data will be accurate and, if necessary, updated according to the indications of the User/Data Subject during registration.

Personal Data will be kept for the period necessary for the activities subject to the permitted processing and for a maximum further period of 3 (three) months from the termination of the permitted processing. In any case, the treatment can never exceed ten years, unless expressly renewing the consent for this purpose by the User/Data Subject.

Personal data will be processed using methods suitable for guaranteeing their security and excluding their loss or destruction, even partial.

To this end, it is specified that the processing by the WEBSITE does not present high risks for the rights and freedoms of natural persons; in any case, the processing does not concern racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, trade union membership, genetic or biometric data capable of uniquely identifying a natural person, data relating to health, sex life or sexual orientation or criminal convictions; the profiling and marketing activities will therefore not be conducted on the basis of these aforementioned data but exclusively according to the preferences related to the product purchased or viewed through the WEBSITE platform.

The acquisition and processing of Personal Data will also take place for the purposes established by the legislation on anti-money laundering as introduced by the Community Directive n. 2001/97 Ce, by Legislative Decree n. 56/2004 and subsequent mod. and int. of transposition and by the Ministerial Decrees for implementation, and is aware of the possibility that the same data may be communicated to the Italian Exchange Office UIC for the verification of the correct fulfillment of the aforementioned obligations.

The provision of Personal Data is a mere faculty and not an obligation, unless expressly provided for by law, but it is necessary for registration on the WEBSITE and the relative consent to the Processing is a condition for registration. The provision of Personal Data takes place whenever the interested party accesses the WEBSITE for registration and accesses it for the management/use of the services offered by it or connects his account on a third party site to his own WEBSITE account where permitted by the latter.

If the interested party is authorized to use mobile applications connected to the WEBSITE, data relating to the position of the interested party are also transferred, stored and processed, including general information (e.g. IP address, postal code) and more specific information (e.g. GPS-based features present on the mobile devices used to access the platform or specific features of the same). If the interested party accesses the WEBSITE from a mobile device and does not want the device to provide information on his position, he can disable the GPS or other position tracking features on the device, provided that this is permitted by the device.

The User/Interested is aware of the Processing of "Log Data", which are data automatically recorded by our servers or server spaces, also sites held by third parties, every time the User/Interested accesses the WEBSITE or uses it whether or not you are a registered user or have logged in to your account; such data are, by way of example, the IP address, the date and time of access, text fonts, the hardware and software used for access, the sites and URLs from which it comes and of number of clicks, pages viewed and the order of those pages, as well as the amount of time spent on particular pages. These data are also subject to separate consent that the interested party already issues to the Data Controller who carries out search engine activities on the web c.d. browser (e.g. Google) and can be used for analytics services and to track the activities of the User/Data Subject resulting from interaction with the WEBSITE.

No personal data of Users is acquired by WEBSITE through c.d. cookies. Cookies are not used to transmit information of a personal nature, nor are persistent cookies of any kind, i.e. systems for tracking users, used. The use of session cookies (which are not stored permanently on the user's computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to allow the safe and efficient exploration of the site. The session cookies used on this site avoid the use of other IT techniques potentially prejudicial to the privacy of users' browsing and do not allow the acquisition of personal identification data of the user. Cookies to integrate third-party software products and functions (Google Maps, YouTube videos, integrations with social networks, online payments, etc.) integrate functions developed by third parties within the WEBSITE pages in order to share content of WEBSITE or for the use of third-party software services (such as payment and transaction software and other software that offer additional services). These cookies are sent from third-party domains and partner sites that offer their functionality on the WEBSITE pages. You can view the management of your browser's cookies on the website of the relevant manufacturer (eg: Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc.).

The interested party can disable the use of cookies through the settings of his browser, but the practices and data processing will be changed as a result of a "Do Not Track" signal in the http header coming from his browser or mobile application.

The activities of the interested party are traced if he clicks on an advertisement for WEBSITE services on Third Party sites or platforms such as search engines and social networks, just as the activities of the User/Interested are traced if he clicks on a third party advertisement on the WEBSITE.

WEBSITE collects, also on behalf of third parties, and allows third parties to collect information on the online activities of users for the profiling of purchases made by the user also for commercial purposes, including marketing activities.

WEBSITE may use social plugins provided and managed by third parties, such as the Facebook Like button; with the use of similar plugins, the interested party could send the information he is viewing on a specific part of the WEBSITE to third parties. If the interested party has not logged into his account with third parties, the third party should not become aware of his identity unless otherwise consenting to the processing of personal data provided by the interested party directly to the third party. If the interested party has logged into his account with the Third Party, then the Third Party may be able to link information relating to the interested party's visit to the WEBSITE to his account with the Third Party. Similarly, your interactions with the social plugin may be recorded by the Third Party. These methods of accessing the data of the interested party by the third party are unrelated to the functions of the WEBSITE and the processing is not carried out by the Data Controller or the WEBSITE Data Processor, but by the third party to whom the interested party should have consented data processing. The interested party declares to know the privacy policy of these third parties and their practices regarding the processing of personal data and declares to have validly authorized their processing, exempting the WEBSITE Data Controller and Data Processor from liability.

WEBSITE could allow the User/Data Subject to connect to the WEBSITE information from their device or from other sites and social platforms, including but not limited to a list of contacts and related identification data; in this case, WEBSITE will collect and process the information shared in order to improve the use of the WEBSITE services by the User/Data Subject.

WEBSITE may allow the use of some services without prior registration, such as transactions with unregistered users. In this case WEBSITE collects only the data strictly necessary for the provision of the service permitted to the unregistered User, including information on the device connecting to the WEBSITE, technical data for use of the platform, geolocation information necessary to allow the Transaction and the data necessary for payments connected to the Transaction.

In the absence of provision of the data necessary for registration and navigation, membership of the WEBSITE cannot be accepted and/or continued and the account will not be enabled or will be canceled if consent to the renewal of the Data Processing authorization is denied personal.

If the processing of personal data is authorized, of any nature including sensitive or judicial, genetic, biometric or health-related data, these, within the limits and for the purposes connected with the Authorized Processing, will be able to come to the knowledge of Italian public subjects and the competent Italian Judicial Authorities for the institutional purposes of these data and, therefore, of the subjects in those same locations preposed to their transposition and/or processing.

The Data Controller may transfer data of the Data Subject abroad or to third countries in view of the method of payment chosen by the User for purchases made through the WEBSITE (e.g. credit card or PayPal).

The interested party will be guaranteed all the rights as better specified in the art. 7 ("Right of access to personal data and other rights") D.Lgs. no. 196/03, the content of which he declares to know and the full text of which he acknowledges to be that reported in note 5 at the bottom of this authorisation.

Pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 and to be exercised with a request to the Data Processor, the User/Interested Party is guaranteed:

- the right of access (art. 15 of the aforementioned EU Regulation) to the data to verify the existence of a data processing in progress and to verify the purpose of the processing, category of data processed, recipients of any communications of the data processed, the period of conservation of the processed data, the possible existence of an automated decision-making process, including the profiling pursuant to art. 22, paragraph 1 and 4 of EU Regulation 2016/679;

- the right to rectification, including integration of incomplete data (Article 16 of the aforementioned EU Regulation);

- the right to erasure (art. 17 of the said EU Regulation) of the data without delay at the request of the interested party and mandatorily if:

They are no longer necessary for the purposes of the Processing;

The consent to the Treatment is revoked;

The interested party opposes the processing pursuant to art. 21 of the EU Regulation;

The data have been processed unlawfully;

The cancellation obligation is imposed by Italian or EU regulatory provisions.

The cancellation obligation does not apply in the event of exercising the right to freedom of expression and information, for the fulfillment of a legal obligation which requires processing, for reasons of public interest or public order which require processing, for justice that justifies the treatment.

- the right to limitation of treatment (art. 18 of the aforementioned EU Regulation) when the interested party disputes the accuracy of the personal data processed for the period necessary for the consequent checks, the treatment is unlawful and the interested party opposes the cancellation, the The Data Controller does not need to continue the treatment but the interested party requests its continuation for justice purposes and for the exercise of the rights of defense in court and when the interested party has opposed the treatment pending verification of the prevalence of the reasons legitimacy of the Data Controller.

- the obligation for the Data Controller to communicate (art. 19 of the said EU Regulation) to any Data Controllers processed any cancellations, corrections, restrictions on processing.

- the right to the portability of personal data (art. 20 of the aforementioned EU Regulation) as the right to delivery to the interested party on a structured format of common and durable use, readable by automatic devices, even in multiple copies, by e-mail to the address specifically indicated by the User/Interested for free, and as a right to the transfer of Personal Data to another Data Controller, without impediments, if the processing is carried out by automated means as in the present case;

- the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data (art. 21 of the said EU Regulation), subject to the right of the Data Controller to demonstrate the existence of legitimate grounds cogent in order to proceed however to the processing;

- the right not to be subjected to automated decisions, including profiling, unless this decision-making method is necessary for the stipulation of the contract or the execution of the same between the interested party and the Data Controller, and is permitted by national or community law, it can be considered already permitted by the explicit consent of the interested party (art. 22 of the aforementioned EU Regulation).

The Data Controller declares that there are no specific risks associated with the processing of the Personal Data of the interested party, that he has assessed every burden and risk of conservation and treatment, and that he has carefully selected the best types of precautions to guarantee the confidentiality and intangibility of the personal data of the interested party.

The Data Controller reserves the right to use every best data security method including encryption and pseudonymisation of the personal data processed.

In any case, the Data Controller declares to use suitable anti-intrusion and anti-violation systems also on the servers, or server spaces, in its availability or in any case used by it with third parties.

The processing of sensitive and judicial personal data - identification - will take place within the limits of the law as established by art. 25 D.Lgs. no. 196/03, the content of which he declares to know and the text of which he recognizes as the one reported in note 6 at the bottom of this authorization, as well as for the purposes set out above, may be subject, in addition to treatment, also to communication and/or dissemination in the technical meaning as better illustrated in the letters "a", "l" and "m" of paragraph 1 of the art. 4 D.Lgs. no. 196/03 and which he recognizes as the one referred to in note 7 at the bottom of this authorisation.

The Data Controller and owner of the WEBSITE could be involved in mergers, incorporations, acquisitions, demergers and in this case could transfer assets of his company, including the personal data of the interested party, who acknowledges and accepts it; in this case, the interested party will be informed before his personal data are transferred or in any case are subject to different policies and/or authorizations for the processing of personal data.

The interested party undertakes to keep personal data updated and to this end will communicate to the Data Controller any need for modification or updating.

All of the above stated:

the User/Interested spontaneously declares to authorize, in accordance with the above and more generally as provided by the D.Lgs. no. 196/03 and by EU Regulation 2016/679, the processing of your personal data.


the User/Interested spontaneously declares to authorize, in accordance with the above and more generally as provided by the D.Lgs. no. 196/03 and EU Regulation 2016/679, the processing of your personal data for the purposes of profiling, commercial investigation and commercial promotion.


Information Legislative Decree n.196 of 30 June 2003

ART.26 paragraph 4 letter "c" - GUARANTEES FOR SENSITIVE DATA: "(...) 4. Sensitive data may be processed even without consent, with the prior authorization of the Guarantor: c) when the processing is necessary for the purposes the carrying out of the defensive investigations referred to in the law of 7 December 2000 n. 397 or - in any case - to assert or defend a right in court, provided that the data are processed exclusively for these purposes and for the period strictly necessary for their pursuit. If the data are suitable for revealing the state of health and sexual life, the right must be of equal rank to that of the interested party or consist in a right of personality or in another fundamental and inviolable right or freedom (...)” .

ART.13 – DISCLOSURE: “1. The interested party or the person from whom the personal data are collected are previously informed orally or in writing about: a) the purposes and methods of the treatment for which the data are intended; b) the mandatory or optional nature of the provision of data; c) the consequences of any refusal; d) the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as managers or agents, and the scope of dissemination of the data; e) the rights referred to in Article 7; f) the identification details of the owner and, if designated, of the representative in the territory of the State pursuant to art. 5 and of responsabile.Quando the owner has designated several managers, at least one of them is indicated, indicating the communication network site the methods through which the updated list of managers can be easily known. When a manager has been designated to respond to the interested party in the event of exercising the rights pursuant to art. 7 indicates this manager. 2. The information referred to in paragraph 1 also contains the elements envisaged by specific provisions of this code and may not include the elements already known to the person providing the data or the knowledge of which may hinder a concrete performance by a public entity of inspection or control functions carried out for purposes of defense or security of the State or for the prevention, detection or repression of crimes. 3. The Guarantor can identify with his own provision simplified procedures for the information provided in particular by telephone assistance and information services to the public. 4. If the personal data are not collected from the interested party, the information referred to in paragraph 1, including the categories of data processed, is given to the same interested party when the data is recorded or, when their communication is envisaged, not beyond the first communication. 5. the provision referred to in paragraph 4 does not apply when: a) the data are processed on the basis of an obligation established by law, by a regulation or by Community law; b) the data are processed for the purposes of carrying out the defensive investigations pursuant to the law of 7 December 2000 n. 397 or, in any case, to assert or defend a right in court, provided that the data are processed exclusively for these purposes and for the period strictly necessary for their pursuit; c) the information to the interested party involves the use of means that the Guarantor - prescribing any appropriate measures - declares manifestly disproportionate to the protected right, or proves to be - in the opinion of the Guarantor - impossible".

ART.4 – DEFINITIONS: (...) b), any information relating to a natural person, legal person, entity or association, identified or identifiable, even indirectly, by reference to any other information, including a personal identification number; c), personal data that allow the direct identification of the interested party; d), personal data capable of revealing racial and ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, political opinions, membership of parties, trade unions, associations or organizations of a religious, philosophical, political or trade union nature , as well as personal data suitable for revealing the state of health and sex life; e), personal data suitable for revealing the measures referred to in art. 3 paragraph 1, letters from a) to o) and from r) to u) of the D.P.R. 14.11.2002 no. 313, concerning criminal records, the register of administrative sanctions dependent on crimes and related pending charges, or the quality of defendant or suspect pursuant to articles 60 and 61 of the code of criminal procedure".

ART.4 - DEFINITIONS: (...) f), the natural person, the legal person, the public administration and any other entity, association or body to which they are responsible - even jointly with another owner, the decisions regarding the purposes, the methods of processing personal data and the tools used, including the security profile; g), the natural person, the legal person, the public administration and any other entity, association or body appointed by the owner to process personal data; h), natural persons authorized to carry out processing operations by the owner or manager".

ART. 7 – RIGHT OF ACCESS TO PERSONAL DATA AND OTHER RIGHTS: 1. The interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him even if not yet registered and their communication in an intelligible form. 2. The interested party has the right to obtain the indication: a) of the origin of the personal data, b) of the purposes and methods of the treatment; c) of the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; d) of the identification details of the owner, of the managers and of the designated representative pursuant to art. 5 paragraph 2; e) of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as designated representative in the territory of the State, managers or incaricati.3. The interested party has the right to obtain: a) updating, rectification or - when interested - integration of data; b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed; c) the attestation that the operations referred to in letters from "a" to "b" have been brought to the attention, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which such fulfillment proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right. 4. The interested party has the right to object in whole or in part: a) for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning him, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection; b) to the processing of personal data concerning him for the purpose of sending advertising material or direct sales or for carrying out market research or commercial communication".

ART.25 – COMMUNICATION AND DISSEMINATION PROHIBITIONS: “1. The communication and dissemination are prohibited, as well as in the event of a prohibition ordered by the Guarantor or by the Judicial Authority: a) in reference to the personal data whose cancellation has been ordered, or when the period of time indicated in the art has elapsed . 11 paragraph 1, letter "e"; b) for purposes other than those indicated in the notification of treatment, where required. 2. The communication or dissemination of data requested, in accordance with the law, by police forces, judicial authorities, training and security bodies, other public entities pursuant to art. 58, paragraph 2, for purposes of defense or security of the State or for the prevention, detection or repression of crimes".

ART.4 – DEFINITIONS: (...) to any operation or complex of operations, carried out even without the aid of electronic instruments, concerning the collection, registration, organization, storage, consultation, processing, the modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, cancellation and destruction of data even if not recorded in a database (...) ; l) giving knowledge of personal data to one or more specific subjects, other than the interested party, the representative of the data controller in the territory of the state, the manager and the persons in charge in any form, including by making them available or consulting them; m) giving knowledge of personal data to unspecified subjects, in any form, including by making them available or consulting them".

7Pixels S.r.l., in the person of the pro tempore legal representative, is appointed responsible for processing the User's data (email address) for the management of requests for comments within the site's Trusted Program

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