• 10%


€13.66 €15.10 -€1.44





Compressive shoe for post-operative anti-thrombotic prophylaxis and in-house reading.
The carefully controlled pressure on the tissue and veins promotes the return of venous blood in the ends and improves lymphatic circulation. At the same time the microcirculation is improved and therefore the vascularization and drainage of tissues.
The product is intended for patients of any sex to which a shoe for individual compressed therapy has been prescribed by the competent physician or qualified health care provider. Among the recipients are also the categories of users of health professions that apply products to the patient.

Mode of use
Use only in breastfeeding patients. To wear and parade the socks easily we recommend wearing special gloves. Long and pointed nails and sharp edge rings can damage the product.
To facilitate the procedure, check that the legs are dry. Slide the sock evenly above the heel. Do not pull the stocking upwards, but evenly distribute the shirts on the leg with gloves. Check from time to time that the stocking is correctly positioned on the toe and heel. To protect the sewage and edge, when you thread the compressed sock carefully grab the shirts and not the seam. If necessary correct the position of the sock by lifting the shirts always with flat-handed movements and making them evenly distributed.
To parade the product, grab the top edge of the sock with gloves and lower the sock to the heel. Slide the shirts over the heel with flat-handed movements.

Polyamide, elastane, polypropylene.

Product care
Respect the care instructions on the packaging and/or product label. Wash the socks inside the washing bag.

Do not wear medical compressed socks in the following cases:
• advanced peripheral obliterating arteriopathy (if one of the following parameters applies: ABPI • Uncompensated heart failure (NYHA III + IV),
• septic flebite;
• solid deep venous thrombosis (Phlegmasia coerulea dolens).
Related contraindications requiring special risk/benefit assessment:
• marked humid dermatitis;
• intolerance to compressed material
• severe sensitivity disorders at the ends;
• advanced peripheral neuropathy (e.g. in case of diabetes mellitus);
• chronic primary polyarthritis.
In the event of inappropriate use, medical compressed stockings can cause skin necrosis and pressure injuries to the peripheral nerves.
In case of sensitive skin, compressed materials can cause itching, dequamation and inflammatory signs, so proper skin treatment is appropriate.
Do not cut any protruding threads inside the sock.
Protect the compressed socks from pomace, oils and fats to preserve their durability.
Compressive socks should not be worn on open wounds.
Products with authoritative edge: regularly expose skin to air.
Failure to comply with warnings can compromise the safety and effectiveness of the product.
All serious events in relation to the product must be reported to the manufacturer and to the competent authority.

Store the product at room temperature, in a dry place and protected from light. Protect from direct heat sources.

Available in sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL
Available models: short, normal, long

81270 (cut S, short)
81271 (size S, normal)
81272 (size S, long)
81273 (cut M, short)
81274 (size M, normal)
81275 (size M, long)
81276 (cut L, short)
81277 (cut L, normal)
81278 (size L, long)
81279 (taglia XL, short)
81280 (taglia XL, normal)
81281 (size XL, long)
308279 (Table XXL, normal)

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