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novox drop

Class IIb Medication for the treatment of oral cavity lesions by prolonged release of Oxygen Reactive Species (ROS).
medical device for treating ulcerative or traumatic lesions of the oral mucosa that facilitates the healing process, creating a microenvironment favorable to activation of the microcirculation.
It is able to form a protective barrier and a microenvironment unfavourable to the proliferation of any pathogenic agents.
It has a film-making and soothing effect due to the oily nature of the product, combined with the healing and reepitelizer properties of oil enriched with oxygen.
Directions of use:
- periodic;
- gums and palatal lesions of surgical origin;
- periradicular injuries;
- post-surgical injuries in ORL;
- acute ulcer-necrotisizing gums;
- cheylitis and lesions of the oral and labial mucosa.
Mode of use
1. Carefully wash the oral cable as standard protocols (e.g. with water and bicarbonate).
2. Tampon the lesion with a sterile gauze.
3. Place a suitable amount of product according to the needs, keeping in place for a few moments before swallowing and/or swallowing.
Please read warnings and instructions carefully before use.

Olive oil enriched with oxygen.
Excipients: mint essential oil, dry extract stevia (E-960).

It should not be used in individuals with known hypersensitivity or having an allergic reaction to the device or its components.
Do not use after the expiry date. Monodose product, once opened and used also partially the packaging, do not store it for subsequent re-use: in case of reuse it is not possible to exclude risks of reinfection of the injury. Do not use the product to treat more than one patient: in case of use on multiple patients it is not possible to exclude the transmission of pathogenic agents. Do not use the product in case of open or damaged packaging. Do not use in conjunction with topical medicines. A slight burning to the application can be normal, generally it disappears a few seconds after the application. In case of intense or persistent irritative phenomena, suspend use and inform your doctor or paramedic staff. In case of accidental ingestion of quantities higher than the content of a syringe it is recommended to consult the doctor and show him the label. Keep outside the reach of children. In case of use on minors, supervision by an adult is recommended.

Store at a temperature below 25 °C.
Validity of whole packaging: 24 months.

1 5 ml disposable syringe

Cod. NDS005S

Deductible product
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