• 26%


€12.44 €16.90 -€4.46




Flebostax cream gel is a phytocosmetic preparation designed to give immediate relief in case of perception of swelling, heaviness and fatigue of the lower limbs; has been formulated with plant extracts such as escina, derived from the fruit of the hippocastane, rusco, edera and troxerutina, useful to return the natural feeling of lightness to legs and ankles.
The product also contains essential oil of peppermint able to give a pleasant, delicate but prolonged feeling of freshness.
Troxerutina: it is a bioflavonoid contained in many varieties of plants, extracted mainly from the flowers of Sophora japonica. It has rheological, venotonic and vasoprotective properties. It is able to decrease blood viscosity, improving venous insufficiency and capillary stasis, thus preventing the excessive passage of the liquid component of the blood to the tissues, thus limiting the formation of edemas (antipermeability and anti-edemigena action). It is part of a group of molecules, rutosids, used to provide relief from symptoms due to the lymphaematic circulation of the lower limbs, counteracting edema caused by venous insufficiency. The throxerutine contributes to the modification of the venous tone and reduces the filtration capacity at a capillary level leading to reduction and reabsorption of the edema, and therefore of swelling at the legs.
Rusco: the extract appears in the form of dark powder and is obtained from the rhizome of the plant Ruscus aculeatus, belonging to the family of the Liliaceae. The root of Ruscus aculeatus contains mainly steroid saponins (ruscogenins), which have shown to possess trophic and protective properties at the blood vessels level, as well as a strong tonic action on the vasal wall which results in an obvious improvement of peripheral microcirculation. Rusco extract is often used in cosmetics for treating sensitive skin with capillary and couperose fragility. Thanks to the microcirculation-level properties, it is particularly suitable for fatigued, swollen and heavy legs affected by insufficiency and venous stasis.
Excerpt: the main active component contained in the fruit of the hippocastane (Aesculus hippocastanum). The hexin is a saponin that exists in two distinct molecular forms: escina-alpha escina-beta, distinguishable for their melting points, specific rotations, hemolytic activities and solubility in water. The beta form of the hexin is considered the active component responsible for vasoconstrictor, venotonic, anti-inflammatory and soothing activity. Hexin is traditionally used in the symptomatic treatment of functional disorders of skin capillary fragility and as a remedy in case of venous insufficiency (heavy legs). In fact, the hexin is able to limit the neoformation and reduce the edema; the anti-edematous effect is linked to a selective vascular permeability, which causes an increase in the venous and arterial tone. While the venotonic property of the excinct is due to the stimulation of the prostaglandins inside the vasal wall.
Building: the extract of common edera (Hedera Helix) is naturally rich in flavonoids, polyacetylenes, saponins, sterols, vegetable acids (coffee acid), salt-mineral and calcium oxalate. Thanks to the synergy of its constituents this extract is able to carry out several actions, in particular it confers vasoconstrictive, astringent, anti-cellulite and soothing effects. It is useful to counteract insufficiency-venous, by virtue of defaciating and soothing action, and to reduce swelling to the ankles. In cosmetics the eera is very appreciated for its toning and draining effects which is able to produce on the deepest layers of the skin. Thanks to the many active substances contained, it is able to reduce visibly and limit the formation of skin inesthetics linked to cellulite and water retention.

Mode of use
Apply with a light circular massage, from the ankles to the thighs. It can be used several times a day, whenever necessary.

In the directions for use of the additive and premixtures, the storage conditions and stability conditions shall be indicated.

External use. Don't swallow. Keep out of reach of children.
Avoid contact with eyes and mucosa.

Validity of packaging: 36 months.
Validity period after the first opening: six months.

150 ml tube.

Cod. 9184

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