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Baby milk Hipp milk ar c/metafolina600g Hipp



Food for special medical purposes, indicated in case of regurgitation and/or gastroesophageal reflux.
Episodes of reflux after the aft are normal in infants. Some children, however, regurgitate an important amount of milk or leave after the stern. The HiPP AR special formula helps to avoid these situations.
Thanks to the addition of carob seed flour, the special formula HiPP AR has a more full consistency that favors the digestion of the meal. In this way, milk does not return to the digestive tube after the aft (reflux) and the child will regurgitate less.
Contains lactic ferments and Metafolin (L-methylfolate of calcium).
The formula for special medical purposes HiPP AR is indicated for the dietary management of gastro- esophageal reflux pathology in infants (0-12 months) under medical control. It can be used from birth for the exclusive feeding of the child and after 6 months as part of a mixed diet.

Milk scrambled, serum of milk, vegetable oils (palm oil*, rapeseed oil, sunflower seeds), lactose; thickening agent: carob seed flour; oil fish, potassium chloride, choline, oil extracted from Mortierella alpina, calcium carbonate, calcium chloride, sodium citrate, L-fenilalanine, sodium selenitis, L-thyrosine, zinc sulphate, orthophosphoric acid calcium salts, L-leucine, L-triptophan, L-istidine, ferrous sulphate; stabilizer: lactic acid, potassium iodine, vitamin C (sodium ascorbate, 6-palmitate of L-ascorble), lactic ferments (Limosilactobacillus fermentum hereditum*), vitamin E (DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate), niacin (nicotinamide), panlatothenic acid (D-pantotenate, calcium), sulphate.

* palm oil from sustainable cultivation certified by independent control bodies
**Limosilactobacillus fermentum CECT5716

Nutritional characteristics
Average valuesfor 100 g
for 100 ml
reconstituted product*
Energy2.129 kJ
509 kcal
275 kJ
66 kcal
of which saturated fatty acids
of which monounsaturated fatty acids
of which polyunsaturated fatty acids
- of which linoleic acid (omega 6)
- of which alpha-linoleic acid (omega 3)
- of which peanut acid
- of which docosahexaenoic acid
27.7 g
11.6 g
12.3 g
3.8 g
3,10 g
0,47 g
102,0 mg
102,0 mg
3.6 g
1.5 g
1.6 g
0.5 g
0,40 g
0.06 g
13.2 mg
13.2 mg
of which sugar
- of which lactose
of which inositol
53.8 g
53.8 g
53.2 g
32 mg
6.9 g
6.9 g
6.9 g
4.2 mg
Fibre3,1 g0,4 g
of which L-carnitine
9.67 g
14.0 mg
1,25 g
1.8 mg
Rooms0.39 g0.05 g
Sodium160 mg20 mg
Potassium589 mg76 mg
Chloride395 mg51 mg
Football399 mg51 mg
Phosphorus229 mg30 mg
Magnesium35 mg4.5 mg
Iron5.4 mg0,70 mg
Zinc4.6 mg0,60 mg
Copper0,41 mg0.053 mg
Manganese0.039 mg0.0050 mg
Selenium30 mc3.8 mc
Molybdenum6,2 mcg0,80 mcg
I hate113 mcg15 mc
Vitamin A417 mc54 mc
Vitamin D12 mc1.5 mc
Vitamin E5.4 mg0,70 mg
Vitamin K40 mc5,1 mcg
Vitamin C69 mg8.9 mg
Vitamin B1 (thymin) 0.39 mg0.050 mg
Vitamin B2 (reboflavin) 1,1 mg0.14 mg
Niacin2,6 mg0.34 mg
Vitamin B60.22 mg0.029 mg
Folic acid77,5 mcg10.0 mc
Vitamin B121,1 mcg0.10 mcg
Bio12 mc1.5 mc
Pantothenic acid2,6 mg0.34 mg
Colina194 mg25 mg
*Standard dosage: 100 ml of product is obtained by diluting 12,9 g HiPP AR Special Milk in 90 ml of water. Use only the scoop inserted in the pack that full and satin contains 4.3 g of Special Milk HiPP AR

Mode of use
Strictly stick to the mode of use. An incorrect preparation could create health risks of the child.
Prepare the milk immediately before the aft and administer it as soon as ready. Never reuse advanced milk.
Wash carefully bottle, teat and wreath.
Do not heat the product in the microwave oven (pericle of burns).

Boil the water and let it cool at a temperature of about 40-50 °C. Not to inactivate lactic ferments (lactobacilli), do not pour too hot water on the product.
Pour in the bottle the water indicated in the dosing table. Fill the supplied scoop and level the powder with the leveler or with the blade of a clean knife. Pour the recommended amount of powder into the bottle.
Close the bottle and shake it well. After preparing the HiPP AR Special Milk, leave for 7 minutes. Shake again and control the temperature (about 37 °C).

Indicative dosage table
The amount of milk taken for each bottle can vary from child to child. Recommended quantities and number of bottles per day are indicative values.
The child must not necessarily finish the bottle.
Use only the measury contained in the package. For a mixture of dust, it takes 30 ml of water.

AgeNumber of bottles
per day
Reconstituted productBoiled waterMeasures
1st to 2nd week7-870 ml60 ml2
3rd to 4th week5-7100 ml90 ml3
5th to 8th week5-6135 ml120 ml4
3rd to 4th month5170 ml150 ml5
5th month*4-5200 ml180 ml6
from the 6th month4235 ml210 ml7
*Salve different indication of pediatrician
**From the 5th month, after hearing the opinion of the pediatrician, you can start introducing homogenized and pappe.

Children need approximately 5 meals per day. Each new introduced solid meal (homogeneized/pappe) replaces a milk bottle.

The formula is not suitable for children at risk of allergies, for which please consult the pediatrician.
Do not use the formula for special medical purposes HiPP AR in case of allergy to known or suspect cow milk proteins.
The formula should give relief to the child after a few days of use. If you do not notice any improvement of the symptoms of reflux, please contact the pediatrician again.
Lacts formulated for newborns contain carbohydrates, which are an important part of baby nutrition. Frequent or prolonged contact between the teeth and the gums of the child and fluids containing carbohydrates could cause caries and related harmful effects on health. For this reason, do not give the child the bottle as it was a juice and encourage him to drink from the glass with the spout as soon as possible.
The product should not be used by parentage.
Breastfeeding is the best choice for the child. Consult the pediatrician before giving the child a milk formulated for special medical purposes.
Lacts formulated for special medical purposes should only be used under medical supervision.

Store from 4 °C to 30 °C.
Once the bag is opened, close it well after each use, store it in dry place and at room temperature.
Validity of whole packaging: nine months.
Post-opening validation: three weeks.

Pack of 600 g

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